Alabama College and Career Decision Week is May 3 - 7. Former First Lady Michelle Obama launched the Reach Higher initiative to inspire students – particularly first-generation college
students and students from low-income families – to continue their education past high school. Whether that means joining the military, a four-year college, a community college, or an industry-recognized certification program, we want to help you find your path.
College Signing Day is an opportunity to celebrate students committing to pursue their education past high school. We want to celebrate you! We are encouraging you to share photos of yourselves wearing college gear and holding signs to celebrate this week. Post them on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok with the hashtags #CollegeSigningDay and
#BetterMakeRoom. Tag @BetterMakeRoom and @Wilcox Central High School in your posts so that we can follow along with your celebrations!