Welcome to Federal Programs
Welcome to the Wilcox County Schools Federal Programs Department. This department provides support to the district schools, teachers, and students through programs funded by Title I-A, Title II-A, Title V-B, and Homeless. We believe our programs, combined with skilled and supportive program staff members, are helping the district achieve both its vision of providing excellence and equity for all and its mission of developing productive members of a diverse and changing society.
ABC Elementary, F.S. Ervin Elementary, J.E. Hobbs Elementary, Camden School of Arts and Technology (CSAT), and Wilcox Central High School are all Title I schools. This means they receive federal money to improve the schools. Administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and other community members have collaborated to plan and implement strategies for making Wilcox County Schools the best they can be. Committees worked diligently to develop the Title I Plan, Title II Plan, Parental Involvement Plan and Parent's Right-To-Know Policy. These plans are complete and available for review. Each school's Continuous Improvement Plan One-Pager is available for review on each school's Website. The complete Continuous Improvement plan is available at each school, and at the Central Office.
Please send any suggestions or additions concerning the CIP, LEA Title 1 Plan, and the Parental Involvement Plan/Policy to:
Lashonda Rogers Director of Federal Programs
75 Camden Bypass
Camden Alabama 36726
Private school officials and/or the public have the right to complain to the State Department of Education, 5348 Gordon Persons Building, 50 N. Ripley Street, PO Box 302191, Montgomery, AL 36130, (Dr. Molly Killingsworth, 334-242-8199) if the local educational agency did not engage in consultation that was meaningful and timely, or did not give due consideration to the views of the private school official..